Viamede Resort on Stoney Lake

Jeff and Rachel's love story was deeply intertwined with the breathtaking beauty of Viamede Resort on Stoney Lake. For years, Jeff's grandfather had sought solace and joy in the tranquil haven of Viamede, nurturing a love affair with the resort that would span generations. And as fate would have it, when Jeff asked Rachel to marry him, he knew that their love deserved a setting as magical as Viamede.

I had the privilege of capturing Jeff and Rachel's special day. Though I was only in their presence for a fleeting two hours, I could feel the electric energy emanating from them. It was as if their connection had a gravitational pull, drawing all those around them into their love story. As Jeff and Rachel exchanged their vows, the haunting call of loons echoed across the crystal-clear Stoney Lake. It was a moment of serendipity, as if nature itself was bearing witness to their union. Emotions swirled in the air, filling each heart present with awe and reverence.

Jeff and Rachel's nuptials at Viamede Resort embodied the essence of their journey, considering they travelled with their families all the way from Ohio! It was a celebration not just of their love for one another, but also of the rich history and enduring legacy that bound them to the enchanting serenity of Stoney Lake.


Barron Canyon, Algonquin Park


Whispering Springs Elopement